Kess Broekman-Dattner

  • Kess Broekman-Dattner is a visionary director whose work seamlessly blends artistry and impactful storytelling, captivating audiences across the globe. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for authenticity, Kess has garnered critical acclaim for his ability to bring out the best in his actors and craft visually stunning narratives. His directorial style is marked by a deep understanding of human emotions and an unwavering commitment to pushing creative boundaries. Kess's dedication to his craft is evident in his body of work, as she fearlessly tackles complex themes and breathes life into each project with unparalleled finesse. As a trailblazer in the industry, Kess Broekman-Dattner continues to pave the way for the next generation of filmmakers, leaving an indelible mark on the world of cinema.


Evan Ari Kelman